The maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) in Indonesia are still high that government seeks to create programs with continuity of care services that include the provision of services for mothers and babies from pregnancy, to delivery, the postnatal period, newborn babies, and family planning. This effort is expected to reduce maternal and infant mortality. This article aims to provide continuity of care to Mrs. N from pregnancy to family planning service in Pratama Citra Clinic by collecting data on history, physical examination then analyzed and outlined in SOAP. The research design used is descriptive and the type of case is study research. The result showed that continuity of care given to Mrs. N running smoothly and the mother and baby in normal circumstances. Based on the results of continuity of care that has been done on Mrs. N is expected that the mother can apply counseling that has been given during midwifery care so that the condition of the mother and baby remains good and can prevent complications until death.
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