MMR and IMR are indicators used to assess the degree of public health related to improving the quality of health services. For this reason, we need a midwifery service that is carried out with continuity of care which includes the provision of services for mothers and babies from pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, newborns, and family planning. This care is expected to improve health status, especially maternal and child health.The purpose of writing this article is to provide continuity of care for Mrs. R during pregnancy to family planning services at the Lista Maternity Clinic by collecting data through anamnesis, physical examination and then analyzing and putting it in the form of documentation
in the form of data, photos, videos, or other information in SOAP management. The research design used is descriptive and the type of research is case study.The results showed that the continuity of care midwifery provided to Ny. R is going well, and the mother and baby are in normal condition. Based on the results of midwifery continuity of care that has been carried out on Ny. R, it is hoped that the mother can apply the counseling that has been given during midwifery care so that the condition of the mother and baby remains good and can prevent complications that have an impact on death.
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