Continuous care is provided to mothers starting from pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, BBL and family planning services. This care aims to monitor, detect, complications or complications during pregnancy until the puerperium that can cause disturbances to the mother and fetus, this care must be carried out properly so that maternal health is guaranteed to be able to give birth to a healthy and quality generation and improve the quality of maternal health services. quality, safe, useful in accordance with the development of science in midwifery. The research objective is to provide continuous care for pregnant women, maternity, postpartum, newborn, and family planning services using a midwifery management approach. The research method used is descriptive research and the type of research is case study. The results of the research obtained are that midwifery continuity of care has been carried out on Ny. R at the Lista Purnamasari clinic smoothly with the condition of the mother and baby within normal limits. It is hoped that health workers can carry out continuous health education so that they are carried out according to SOPs and patient needs.
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