• Hardiani Amalia Universitas Murni Teguh
  • Laurena Ginting Universitas Murni Teguh
Keywords: Pregnant, Postpartum, Newborns, Family Planning


Antenatal Care is care given to pregnant women by health workers who include physical and mental health. This is evident in the continuity of care carried out during the third trimester of pregnancy, starting from pregnant women, maternity mothers, postpartum mothers, newborns, and family planning, with standard midwifery care consisting of assessments, formulating midwifery diagnoses, conducting midwifery care and conducting evaluations. and documentation in midwifery care using the SOAP method. The benefit of this research is that it provides continuity of care for midwifery services starting from pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborns and family planning. The research method used is descriptive research. The research location is at Pratama Citra Clinic Jln Sari, Marindal 1 Pasar V, Patumbak Mekar Sari. The results of the study showed that the continuity of care midwifery provided to Mrs. W runs smoothly and mother and baby are in normal condition. The conclusion obtained after carrying out continuity of care can build a relationship between mother and baby in implementing midwifery care and it is hoped that clients can apply the counseling that has been given during midwifery care so as to prevent complications and death


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