The period of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, neonates are physiological conditions that may be life-threatening to the mother and baby and can even cause death. One of the efforts that must be made by midwives to implement the midwifery care model is to use continuous care (Continuity of Care). The aim of the research is to provide continuous care for pregnant women, postpartum women, newborns, and family planning services using a midwifery management approach. The research method used is descriptive research and the type of research is a case study by way of interviews, observation, measurement or examination, and making observations using the SOAP method. The research results obtained were continuity of care midwifery care for Ny. R at the Lista Maternity Clinic with the condition of the mother and baby within normal limits. The conclusion from the research obtained is that it can apply continuous midwifery care to patients so that it can establish a caring relationship between mother and child. It is expected that health workers can carry out continuous health education so that they carry out according to SOPs and patient needs.
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