Indonesian Trust Journal of Health Sciences <p><strong>Coming Soon</strong></p> <p>Indonesian Trust Maternity Journal adalah jurnal dalam bidang ilmu keperawatan maternitas, keperawatan anak, dan kebidanan yang memuat hasil penelitian atau kajian pustaka. Jurnal ini diharapkan menjadi wadah berbagi ilmu pengetahuan kepada profesi perawat dan bidan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan sehingga kualitas asuhan lebih optimal.</p> ITJHS en-US Indonesian Trust Journal of Health Sciences ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. N HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK PRATAMA HANNA KASIH <p>The maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortalitiy rate (IMR) in Indonesia are still high and<br>government has supported efforts to reduce the number of maternal and child death through<br>continuity of care midwifery care services which include monitoring services for maternal and child<br>health conditions starting from pregnancy, to delivery, the postnatal period, newborn babies until<br>family planning. Services that have been carried out include anamnesis, physical examination and<br>documentation of midwifery care carried out using the SOAP method. The design is descriptive and<br>he type of this research is a case study. The conclusion ih that by providing continuity of care, it can<br>build a trusting relationship between the midwife and the patient. In addition, this care is very<br>important for women because in contributes to a sense of security and comfort for mothers during<br>pregnancy, to delivery, and the postnatal period, as weel as early detection of complications that<br>can be recognized and handled quickly by health workers so that in the future is is recommended for<br>medical personnel to further improve the quality of their health services.</p> Yovita Novelarani Laurena Ginting ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 1 6 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. N PADA MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK PRATAMA CITRA <p>The maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR) in Indonesia are still high that government seeks to create programs with continuity of care services that include the provision of services for mothers and babies from pregnancy, to delivery, the postnatal period, newborn babies, and family planning. This effort is expected to reduce maternal and infant mortality. This article aims to provide continuity of care to Mrs. N from pregnancy to family planning service in Pratama Citra Clinic by collecting data on history, physical examination then analyzed and outlined in SOAP. The research design used is descriptive and the type of case is study research. The result showed that continuity of care given to Mrs. N running smoothly and the mother and baby in normal circumstances. Based on the results of continuity of care that has been done on Mrs. N is expected that the mother can apply counseling that has been given during midwifery care so that the condition of the mother and baby remains good and can prevent complications until death.</p> Nony Apfrensia Ginting Masta Melati Hutahaean ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 7 16 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. N PADA MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK PRATAMA EVI <p>Family members who need to get priority in implementing health efforts are mothers and babies. These efforts can be seen from the indicators of maternal mortality and infant mortality. Due to the high maternal mortality rate (MMR) and infant mortality rate (IMR), it is necessary to do early prevention in order to reduce MMR and IMR. Prevention is carried out with Continuity of care, namely providing care to mothers starting from pregnancy, the postpartum period, childbirth, the use of contraceptives and continued with care for newborns. The method used to conduct this research is to collect data through interviews and observations, management of care and documentation using the midwifery care format. The results of the study on mothers were found that during pregnancy the mother did not experience problems, the delivery process was smooth and spontaneous, there were no complications, the postpartum period was normal, the newborn was normal without complications and the mother became an acceptor of KB pills. Based on the results of midwifery continuity of care that has been carried out on the mother, it is hoped that the mother can apply the counseling that has been given during midwifery care so that the condition of the mother and baby remains good and can prevent complication.</p> Ikeshy Octfrensia Ginting Masta Melati Hutahaean ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 17 27 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. M MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK PRATAMA HANNA KASIH <p>The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) in Indonesia are still high so that the government seeks to create programs with Continuity Of Care care services that include providing services for mothers and babies from pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, to new babies. birth, and family planning. It is expected to reduce maternal and infant mortality. The purpose of this study was to provide continuity of care midwifery care to Ny. M during pregnancy to family planning services at the Hanna Kasih Pratama Clinic by collecting data from a physical examination and then making it in the form of SOAP. The research design used is descriptive and the type of research is case study. The results showed that the continuity of care midwifery provided to Ny. M has been carried out with the results of the mother and baby in normal condition. Based on the results of the continuity of care midwifery that has been carried out on Ny. M is expected to be able to apply the counseling that has been given during midwifery care so that the condition of the mother and baby remains good and can prevent complications and death.</p> Remenis Cere Giawa Laurena Ginting ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 28 36 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. R MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK BERSALIN LISTA <p>MMR and IMR are indicators used to assess the degree of public health related to improving the quality of health services. For this reason, we need a midwifery service that is carried out with continuity of care which includes the provision of services for mothers and babies from pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, newborns, and family planning. This care is expected to improve health status, especially maternal and child health.The purpose of writing this article is to provide continuity of care for Mrs. R during pregnancy to family planning services at the Lista Maternity Clinic by collecting data through anamnesis, physical examination and then analyzing and putting it in the form of documentation<br>in the form of data, photos, videos, or other information in SOAP management. The research design used is descriptive and the type of research is case study.The results showed that the continuity of care midwifery provided to Ny. R is going well, and the mother and baby are in normal condition. Based on the results of midwifery continuity of care that has been carried out on Ny. R, it is hoped that the mother can apply the counseling that has been given during midwifery care so that the condition of the mother and baby remains good and can prevent complications that have an impact on death.</p> Halima Tussyadiah Masta Melati Hutahaean ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 37 42 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. R MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK BERSALIN LISTA <p><em>Continuous care is provided to mothers starting from pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, BBL and family planning services. This care aims to monitor, detect, complications or complications during pregnancy until the puerperium that can cause disturbances to the mother and fetus, this care must be carried out properly so that maternal health is guaranteed to be able to give birth to a healthy and quality generation and improve the quality of maternal health services. quality, safe, useful in accordance with the development of science in midwifery. The research objective is to provide continuous care for pregnant women, maternity, postpartum, newborn, and family planning services using a midwifery management approach. The research method used is descriptive research and the type of research is case study. The results of the research obtained are that midwifery continuity of care has been carried out on Ny. R at the Lista Purnamasari clinic smoothly with the condition of the mother and baby within normal limits. It is hoped that health workers can carry out continuous health education so that they are carried out according to SOPs and patient needs.</em></p> Fadia Anisa Gurning Masta Melati Hutahaean ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 43 52 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. W MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK PRATAMA CITRA <p><em>Antenatal Care is care given to pregnant women by health workers who include physical and mental health. This is evident in the continuity of care carried out during the third trimester of pregnancy, starting from pregnant women, maternity mothers, postpartum mothers, newborns, and family planning, with standard midwifery care consisting of assessments, formulating midwifery diagnoses, conducting midwifery care and conducting evaluations. and documentation in midwifery care using the SOAP method. The benefit of this research is that it provides continuity of care for midwifery services starting from pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborns and family planning. The research method used is descriptive research. The research location is at Pratama Citra Clinic Jln Sari, Marindal 1 Pasar V, Patumbak Mekar Sari. The results of the study showed that the continuity of care midwifery provided to Mrs. W runs smoothly and mother and baby are in normal condition. The conclusion obtained after carrying out continuity of care can build a relationship between mother and baby in implementing midwifery care and it is hoped that clients can apply the counseling that has been given during midwifery care so as to prevent complications and death</em></p> Hardiani Amalia Laurena Ginting ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 53 63 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. S MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK BERSALIN LISTA <p><em>Continuity of care starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, Newborn to Family Planning to improve the quality of midwifery services in Indonesia so that it affects the emphasis on MMR in Indonesia which is expected to decrease in accordance with which is expected. Benefits The research was conducted to formulate the gap between theory and real cases in midwifery care with continuity of care during the third trimester of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborns, and family planning. The purpose of this study is to determine the problems that will occur so as to prevent problems that will occur in pregnant women, childbirth, postpartum, BBL and family planning. The research method used is descriptive research. The location chosen to provide Midwifery Care is at the Lista Purnamasari Clinic, Klambir V Kampung, Kec. Silver Overlay. The result of this research is that midwifery care has been carried out Continuity Of Care on Ny. S At the Lista Clinic in good condition. The conclusion of the study of continuous midwifery care in Ny. During pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborn and family planning at the Lista Maternity Clinic, there were no gaps between theory and practice in the field. It is hoped that mothers can apply the care that has been given so that they can prevent complications and even death.</em></p> Maisaroh Maisaroh Laurena Ginting ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 64 73 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. L PADA MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK PRATAMA EVI <p><em>One indicator to determine the health status of a nation is marked by its height Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). This is a phenomenon that has a major influence on the success of health development. This article aims to provide continuity of care to Mrs. L from pregnancy to family planning service in Pratama Evi Clinic by collecting data on history, physical examination then analyzed and outlined in SOAP. The research design used is descriptive and the type of case is study research. Continuing care related to health professionals, midwifery services is carried out starting from preconception, early pregnancy, during all trimesters, birth, until the first 6 weeks postpartum.</em> <em>The results of the care given to Mrs. L was in the form of continuous care starting from the time she was pregnant until Mrs. L decided to use a 3-month contraceptive injection and the baby was in good health without complications. It is hoped that after caring for Mrs. L, she can add knowledge and knowledge so that she can detect early if there are problems, especially from the time she was pregnant until planning for contraceptive installation.</em></p> Sella M. Sianturi Masta Melati Hutahaean ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 74 83 ASUHAN KEBIDANAN PADA NY. T MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN PELAYANAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI KLINIK BERSALIN LISTA <p><em>The period of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, neonates are physiological conditions that may be life-threatening to the mother and baby and can even cause death. One of the efforts that must be made by midwives to implement the midwifery care model is to use continuous care (Continuity of Care). The aim of the research is to provide continuous care for pregnant women, postpartum women, newborns, and family planning services using a midwifery management approach. The research method used is descriptive research and the type of research is a case study by way of interviews, observation, measurement or examination, and making observations using the SOAP method. The research results obtained were continuity of care midwifery care for Ny. R at the Lista Maternity Clinic with the condition of the mother and baby within normal limits. The conclusion from the research obtained is that it can apply continuous midwifery care to patients so that it can establish a caring relationship between mother and child. It is expected that health workers can carry out continuous health education so that they carry out according to SOPs and patient needs.</em></p> Rosani Afrianti Br. tarigan Afrianti Br. tarigan Nelly Dameria Sinaga ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-11-29 2024-11-29 1 1 84 94