• Diana Padwa Marchiana Universitas Murni Teguh
  • Harsudianto Silaen Universitas Murni Teguh
Keywords: Breathing Technique, Dyspnea, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Pursed Lips


Pursed Lip Breathing (PLB) is a breathing exercise by inhaling air through the nose and expelling air using the lips being pressed together or protruding with a longer exhalation time. Dyspnea is a common and often burdensome symptom that affects up to 50% of patients treated in acute and tertiary hospitals. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a germ found in pulmonary TB that has special properties, namely, it is resistant to acids in staining, so it is also called acid-fast bacilli (BTA). The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of giving the Pursed Lips Breathing Technique on the Degree of Dyspnea in Outpatient Pulmonary TB Patients at Tangerang City Hospital in 2021. Using a random sampling technique. Researchers collected data using research instruments, to measure the degree of dyspnea which was measured using the mMRC scale while the pursed lips breathing program was carried out with routine exercises for 2 weeks, where in 1 week you could practice 3 pursed lips breathing exercises. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test, a pvalue of 0.000 <0.05 was obtained, which means that pursed lips breathing technique affects the degree of dyspnea in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. This study also showed that the Degree of Dyspnea after Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise Therapy patients experienced a decrease in the Degree of Dyspnea on average by 25 times the Degree of Dyspnea before the Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise Therapy was carried out with an average decrease of 27.50.



Pursed Lip Breathing (PLB) adalah latihan pernapasan dengan menghirup udara melalui hidung dan mengeluarkan udara dengan cara bibir lebih dirapatkan atau dimonyongkan dengan waktu ekshalasi lebih di perpanjang. Dispnea adalah gejala umum dan sering melemahkan sehinngga mempengaruhi hingga 50% pasien yang dirawat di rumah sakit akut dan tersier, Mycobacterium tuberculosis merupakan kuman yang terdapat pada TB paru memiliki sifat khusus yaitu tahan terhadap asam pada pewarnaan sehingga disebut pula basil tahan asam (BTA). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi Pengaruh Pemberian Teknik Pernapasan Pursed Lips Terhadap Derajat Dispnea Pada Pasien TB Paru Rawat Jalan Di Rumah Sakit Kota Tangerang Tahun 2021. Menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel Random Sampling. Peneliti melakukan pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan instrumen penelitian, untuk mengukur derajat dispnea diukur menggunakan mMRC scale sedangkan program pelaksanakan pursed lips breathing dilakukan dengan latihan secara rutin selama 2 minggu, dimana dalam 1 minggu dapat dilakukan latihan selama 3 kali latihan pursed lips breathing,. Berdasarkan hasil uji wilcoxon didapatkan nilai p value 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti ada pengaruh pemberian teknik pernapasan pursed lips terhadap derajat dispnea pada pasien TB Paru. Hal penelitian ini juga menunjukan bahwa Derajat Dispnea setelah Terapi Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise pasien mengalami penurunan Derajat Dispnea rata- rata sebesar 25 kali dari Derajat Dispnea sebelum dilakukan Terapi Pursed Lip Breathing Exercise dengan rata rata penurunan sebesar 27,50.


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